Cardinal Burke is the President of the Advisory Board of the Dignitatis Humanae Institute. On Saturday he gave the keynote address at the First Annual Rome-Life Forum, in the presence of 52 world leaders of the pro-life movement, representing over 16 nations. The Forum was organised by LifeSiteNews, Human Life International and Family Life International New Zealand, with the collaboration of the organisers of the March for Life Italy. The DHI was there, and is delighted to share this major speech with our supporters.
3 MAGGIO 2013
First of all, I wish to thank the organizers of today’s international meeting for the promotion of the apostolate of respect for human life. It is my desire, by my presence and with my words, to pay tribute to your tireless work in defending and fostering the inviolability of innocent and defenseless human life from the moment of conception until the moment of natural death. It is especially fitting that our meeting is the prelude for the Fourth March for Life in Rome, at which, in the City of Saints Peter and Paul, so important and beloved in all the world, an international gathering will give strong and public witness to the unchanging truth about human life.
My reflection addresses the perennial newness of the announcement of the good news about human life, made in the image and likeness of God. In other words, man can never tire of reflecting upon and honoring the immeasurable and unceasing love of God for the one earthly creature whom He has created for friendship, for communion, with Himself. In these days when we are celebrating the Paschal Mystery, how can we not wonder at the love of God for man which reached its highest and perfect expression in the Incarnation of God the Son, so that He could win in our human nature the victory over sin and death, and win for us, for whom he deigned to become a brother, a lasting share in His own life. God the Son Incarnate – who suffered, died on the Cross, and rose from the dead – has ascended to the right hand of God the Father, so that He might be alive for us always in the Church. Seated in glory at the right hand of the Father, Christ never ceases to pour forth from His glorious pierced Heart the sevenfold gift of the Holy Spirit into our hearts. The good news, the gospel of salvation, is indeed always new, always at work on our behalf in the Church.
The full version of this address is available here.