„Hungary is playing a pioneering role in promoting families, in building a family-friendly nation, which is more accurate than ever – could be heard in the World Congress of Families XI.
Christiana von Habsburg-Lothringen, archduchesse
“We often feel that we are alone with our principles, our ideas, we are an island in the ocean of misunderstanding. However, with regard to yesterday’s events and that of today, we can see that we are not at all alone, since we are surrounded by a huge network of friends, who stand up for the family. We already know that the family is always the winner” – said Christiana von Habsburg-Lothringen, archduchesse.
„God entrusts the bigger gift to humans, which is a huge trust. How disappointed God might be when people refuse life, and what a fulfilled joy it is, when we are holding a new life in our hands” – said the archduchesse, who 30 years ago, following Pope Saint John Paul II’s lead, started to engage in the education of women.
She added: their objective is to commit themselves to this goal, to stand up for and fight for the truth.
Alveda C. King, President of Civil Rights for the Unborn, the African American Outreach of Priests for Life
“The new century’s civil fight is the fight for family” – stated Alveda C. King, President of Civil Rights for the Unborn.
“My family taught me to believe in God, to share the love of God. Although I deem that it is not always in force nowadays” – said Martin Luther King’s niece.
“People living in a natural family embody the American Dream” – said Alveda C. King, who added that she is inspired by such leaders as Viktor Orbán, whose rightness, in her opinion, is proven by scientific research.
Benjamin Harnwell, Director and Founder of Dignitatis Humanae Institute, Rome
Viktor Orbán is the international hero of pro-lifeness and traditional family protection – said Benjamin Harnwell.
The institution’s director thinks that the same war is being fought on two different battlefields. Families are exposed to a spiritual attack in our days. As family is the smallest social unit of the church, the persecution of both the church and the family are interrelated.
“We can witness that in the last 150 years the institution of marriage has completely changed, which can have a vital impact on the society” – said Benjamin Harnwell.
Allan C. Carlson, John A. Howard Senior Fellow, Editor, Founder and President Emeritus of World Congress of Families
“The World Congress of Families started when at the beginning of 1994 I received a letter from two sociologists from the Moscow University, who after reading my book thought that the negative impacts affecting families were present in Russia, too. Therefore, they asked me to hold a presentation on this issue in Moscow” – talked about the beginning Allan C. Carlson.
In January of 1995, discussions started with the aim to organise a world conference. In the meantime, new topics also emerged. At that time the ESZ and the EU took aggressive steps against the family policy, and in my opinion they did not do their job well, therefore a family-friendly organisation was needed – continued the President Emeritus, WCF founder. He added that the second meeting was held in Geneva, and since then 10 further congresses have been organised and there have been a number of special regional meetings, as well.
Natalia V. Yakunina, chair of the Board o Trustees, Sanctity of Motherhood Program, Russia
“Hungary is playing a pioneering role in promoting families, in building a family-friendly nation, which is more accurate than ever” – deems Natalia V. Yakunina, who added that now a lot of measures are being taken for the protection of families both in Hungary and in Russia.
“This is one of the most important viewpoints in Russia, where in recent times the number of large families has grown by 27%, therefore we are in the right direction to become a family-friendly country” – said the chair of Sanctity of Motherhood Program. She added that not only do they ensure a wide range of social benefits, but is it also their aim to achieve higher social respect for large families.
Natalia V. Yakunina said: In Russia most people agree that family must be a top-priority, but many people do not even know what family means. Therefore, educational and cultural programs are needed.
The chair of Sanctity of Motherhood Program added: the question of family policy is one of the most fundamental issues, since current laws concentrate on the individual, whereas there are only few family laws.
Ignacio Arsuaga, Founder, HazteOir, Citizengo, Spain
“Natural families are attacked in every country. We are fighting a global war” – said Ignacio Arsuaga.
The organizer of the World Congress of Families of 2012 in Madrid said that in Spain the regional parliaments have adopted such gender laws that limit other freedom rights.
Ignacio Arsuaga encouraged every participant to fight for the natural family.
Christine de Marcellus de Vollmer Venezuela
Hungary should show a pathway to other countries so that they can prepare for a fertile and flourishing future – recommended Christine de Marcellus de Vollmer the Hungarian family policy as an example to follow. The president of the Venezuelan Alianza Latinoamericana para la said that in most parts of his country, it is dangerous to walk in the streets and teachers are in a very difficult situation when trying to point students in the right direction.
In addition, the new aggression of the gender-ideology is also targeting children: as a result, children withdraw themselves from loving emotions – pointed out the presenter. She indicated that in 1985, Venezuela decided to take steps against this phenomenon: they built on the latest research, examining the brain’s development, and based on that, actions were taken to enforce virtues. New programs were worked out for schools.
Janice Crouse, managing director of the World Congress of Families IX., board member of the International Organisation for the Family
Even the UN has activities that are harmful for the families: an example for that is when it works on changing laws and cultures all over the world – shared her opinion Janice Crouse, managing director of the World Congress of Families IX., board member of the International Organisation for the Family. She implied that for example in 2010, the UN revolutionised the definition of women: women would be identified as mothers, as workers and as citizens. An important role however is left out from the definition: the wife. But, as she indicated, this is an aspect that women do not want to refuse.
Liberal efforts for eradicating cultural and religious traditions is not a good direction, whereas the UN was created with the aim to help growth all over the world – she said. She also mentioned that she conducted a study about women with a sad result.
Women have achieved many things, but they have become unhappy. They paid a huge price with regard to family – pointed out Janice Crouse.
Katalin Novák, Minister of State for Family, Youth and International Affairs, Ministry of Human Capacities
Hungary protects the institution of marriage, which is a unit between a man and a woman, and family is the basis of the nation’s survival – stated during her presentation the minister of State for Family, Youth and International Affairs. Katalin Novák said: the government does not want and does not tolerate an international organisation’s intention to put the Hungarian government wise.
The Orbán-government has won the trust of Hungarian people; therefore he can be the leader of the country for the third time. It means that the society supports the family-friendly policy- emphasised the minister of state.
She also said that a structural change happened in 2010 in the family policy. As she said, the cabinet does not regard families as problems and as units in need for help. That is why the State Secretariat for Social Affairs and State Secretariat for Family Affairs are separated.
Speaking about the results she emphasised: as earlier the population dropped by 1 million in 10 years, since 2012 the birth rate has grown from 1.23% to 1.48%, which is a 20% growth. The number of marriages between 2002 and 2010 declined by 23%, since then however, an increase of 50% can be witnessed – pointed out Katalin Novák.
Original article: http://csalad.hu/2017/05/27/the-family-is-always-the-winner-presentations-on-the-world-congress-of-families-xi