USA: On June 8, tens of thousands of Christians will take to the streets to bear witness to their continued resistance to the implementation of President Obama’s compulsory HHS mandate; a mandate that would force Christian institutions to provide to its employee’s contraception, abortifacients and sterilisation services.
The surge of Christian opposition against this attack on freedom of conscience has resulted in the estimated number of protest rallies increasing from a few dozen to 131 cities. The ‘Stand Up for Religious Freedom Rally‘ is a further sign of the unrelenting momentum of this campaign for freedom: mass petitions, protests and law suits have all contributed to demonstrating America’s abhorrence to attempted curtailment of an inherent right to religious liberty.
Speaking exclusively to the Dignitatis Humanae Institute, Eric Schiedler, co-director of the Stand Up for Religious Freedom Rally Coalition, said: “With the HHS mandate the Obama administration is driving faith institutions from the public square, by forcing them to violate their foundational principles. That is why we have to take to the American public square on June 8 for the Stand Up for Religious Freedom national rally with a public demonstration of both our faith and our patriotism.”
Speaking from his office in the European Parliament, Nirj Deva MEP, President of the International Committee on Human Dignity, told the Institute: “I take heart from the resolute witness shown by America’s Protestants and Catholics standing together in this way. This collective uncompromising adherence to the truth is one of the greatest and most indisputable fruits of ecumenical dialogue that we have seen in decades; and is having a noticeable effect on the national debate. I urge all Christians to continue their testament by joining together on Friday, in peaceful demonstration, to preserve religious liberty and the right to exercise a free conscience. For these are the foundations upon which the Constitution of the United States is based.”