Schola Palatina (en)
What is the Schola Palatina
Our institution was founded to recuperate both the counsels of the wisdom of antiquity and the precepts of Christendom, which shall be cultivated and spread far and wide. Located at a former Carthusian monastery in Trisulti, Italy, Schola Palatina offers an annual course of study of Liberal Arts and Humanities, in which the students shall first of all gain mastery of both Latin and Ancient Greek as if they were a second and third mother-tongue, so that they may more easily and fruitfully engage in reading the primary authors writing in Latin and Greek, that they may approach ever more nearly the heart of wisdom, whence arise the most basic questions to be solved pertaining to our human existence: what is man? what is truth? what is the goal of life? Wherein lies the foundation of human dignity? How can man ultimately achieve the blessed life?
Method of Teaching:
Thus being our goals, Schola Palatina will accept between ten and fifteen students each year, where they will gather together in building of a formerly Carthusian monastery, and there lead a common life. During the first part of the day, students will attend academic classes, and in the latter they will devote time to study, other daily chores and in cultivating fine arts, with time for recreation as well. The classes themselves will be divided into four: 1. Greek and Latin Speaking and Composition 2. Roman History 3. Roman Letters and Literature and 4. Christian Literature.
Where are we located:
As mentioned above, Schola Palatina is located in the edifices of the former Carthusian monastery in Trisulti, Italy, in the region anciently known as Latium and not terribly far from the city of Rome itself. The location is not only amidst the beauty of a natural setting, but also is a place highly pertinant to the best of human culture, very apt for the study of the Liberal Arts, Letters and for the cultivation of the spiritual life.
Prices for the Academic Course
The course is divided into two sessions (the first from October to Jan. and the second from February to June), whose costs for each semester are as follows (prices in Euros):
For a single room: 1,000
For food: 1,000
For books and materials: 290
For classes: 710
If, however, a student is monetarily unable to pay the costs in their entirety, he may pay a portion of the costs monetarily, and cover the remaining portion through specific work at the academy. This will be decided on an individual basis between the director and any student petitioning for such an arrangement.
When do classes begin:
Classes shall commence at Schola Palatina on Monday, 5 October and shall conclude 17 June the following year. Thus students may arrive from 1 October at the academy that they may aclimate themselves a few days before beginning the academic course.
How to apply:
Students who wish to apply for this course of study should send an email containing the following information:
–Name and Surname
–Date and place of birth
–What studies they have thus far completed
–Why they desire to study at Schola Palatina
–What are their primary academic interests/plans
–A Photograph of their face.
Emails should be sent to the following email address: