courses that the schola palatina offers (en)
Schola Palatina: Academy of Liberal Arts and Humane Letters
Courses of Study at the Schola Palatina
Trimestral Course:
This is primarily designed for beginner-level students, in which Latin only will be taught. In this course, therefore, the student will begin from the initial elements of the Latin language. He will learn grammar, syntax, and a large vocabulary, principally from the book series by Hans Orberg Lingua Latina, focusing primarily on the first volume: Lingua Latina: Familia Romana. Naturally the student will also be practicing Latin from a constant and daily interaction (in Latin) with the teachers, and fellow-students, both during recreational time and during meals. Thus, the goal of such, is that after having completed the course, the student will be able to read without undue difficulty the primary works of Latin without needing recourse to dictionaries or commentaries and also be able to express himself in Latin, both in writing and speaking. Of course the student, after completing this course of three months and due to much practice, will be able to hold conversation in Latin and be able to understand other Latin speakers.
Note: Students from outside of Europe do not need any special Visa to participate in this course, only a valid passport that allows them to enter the Schengen area for 3 months as a tourist.
Six-month Course:
This course is designated for beginning students of Latin who have completed the trimestral course or equivalent, who desire to exercise their use of Latin for a longer period of time and enter more profoundly into the language and more difficult texts. Therefore, moving forward from the material of the trimestral course, the beginning elements of Classical Greek will also be learned, using the Italian version of Athenaze. In addition, the student will then progress in Latin to the second part of Orberg’s Lingua Latin text which is entitled Roma Aeterna. Thus, the student will partake in learning Roman History (through above-mentioned text) and also make a beginning of Roman literature. The student, therefore, will read from the poets such as Vergil, Horace, Ovid and Catulus; from orators such as Cicero, and from historians such as Livy. During this course, a study of the Liberal Arts will also be begun, by reading authors such as Cassiodorus, Isidore and Alcuin of York.
Note: Students participating in the course from countries outside the Schengen area of Europe must apply for a Visa to remain in Italy for the alotted time. Letters of recommendation will be provided by Schola Palatina to the student to aid the process of acquiring this Visa.
One-Year Course:
This course of study contains all would be learned in the trimestral and 6-month course, and since the student will already be rather adept at Latin, the courses for the latter part of this course of study will pertain in greater part to the study and use of Greek. Likewise, to the study of the Liberal Arts, will be added courses pertaining to Humane Letters, principally drawing from authors of the Catholic tradition: Tertullian, Lactantius, Jerome, Ambrose, Augustine of Hippo, and medievals such as Thomas Aquinas, Bernard of Clairvaux, and many others will be read, discussed and analysed. The student will compare their ideas with more recent authors and will seek answers to the ultimate questions of our existence as human beings. The student will turn his eyes and mind to the fonts and well-spring of Western Culture. In Sacred Scripture, he will trace out the the foudations of the Christian Faith, which foundations founded both European and Western culture in general. The student will analyse the foundations of philosophy and theology, along with the ideas of economics, politics, history and humanities from the time of antiquity to the Modern era, being instituted in a dialoge (seeking Truth) with his fellow students and teachers. By this method, it is hoped that by the end of the academic year, the student will consider from a broader perspective and be able to weigh carefully general principle such that from henceforth, whatever sort of undertaking he make, he himself will be capable of thinking rightly about and following through on ideas and propositions which are true for all men at all times. This capacity, we maintain, is the best and noblest goal for the study of Humanities.
Note: Just as in the 6-month course, a Visa is required for students outside the Schengen area of Europe, and the academy will be happy to provide a letter of commendation to the student as he applies to the Italian government for such a Visa.