Welcome to the Dignitatis Humanae Institute (the Institute for Human Dignity).
Most people will agree – even the most hardened secularist – that the dignity of the human person is a crucial consideration when formulating policy.
But what does “human dignity” mean?
Its authentic definition is a simple one with a long history. To safeguard and promote human dignity means recognising the infinite value of every single person, each made in the image and likeness of God, from conception until natural death – what is called the “imago Dei”.
The “imago Dei” is the source of the sanctity of all human life, from the embryo that represents the first stage of life, to the elderly person suffering a debilitating, painful cancer in its final stages.
But as man today is increasingly viewed in secular politics as not created in God’s image, and whose individuality is therefore threatened in the interests of a so-called “greater good”, promoting this true and authentic conception of human dignity is now greater and more urgent than ever.
To cite just a few examples of how our true human dignity is being threatened by legislation:
- millions of unborn children continue to be killed legally because of a false notion of human dignity and the ‘rights’ that are erroneously drawn from it;
- legislative pressure for assisted suicide is increasing, due in part to the enormous pressures ageing populations present to bankrupt health-care systems than aim to be comprehensive;
- attacks on religious freedom and the executing of converts to other belief systems are spreading;
- the increasingly collectivist and confiscationalist approach taken by Western governments towards property rights and the private wealth of individuals.
This is why we at the Dignitatis Humanae Institute exist.
Our aim is to protect and promote this long cherished understanding of the sanctity of all human life in the public square, through advocating the presence of a confident Christian Faith to uphold this dignity of the human person in the cultural sphere.
Thank you for visiting us. We hope you find our work inspiring and would appreciate your feedback.