A damning poll published by ComRes reveals the British public overwhelmingly oppose the Department of Health’s planned changes to the abortion law, which are to be implemented without the approval of Parliament and in spite of public opinion. The new operating procedures given to abortion clinics will remove the core requirement for a woman to consult with a doctor before an abortion, thereby eradicating the final legal safeguard of the 1967 Abortion Act.
Speaking in his capacity as Chairman of the Dignitatis Humanae Institute, Luca Volontè stated:
“The British government and the abortion industry claim to have the expectant mother’s best interests at heart, but what we are witnessing here is a callous disregard for their emotional and mental health. Rather than expanding the pastoral and medical support available to a woman in this situation, they conspire to eliminate any meaningful consultation, making doctors little more than functionaries to abortion on demand. These new rules not only put the mental health of mothers at risk, but they also remove any obstacles to prevent illegal abortions based solely on gender.”
In late January, the Dignitatis Humanae Institute warned of the proposed changes, which the UK Department of Health (DoH) published without announcement or notification. Following the discovery of the consultation by pro-life groups, the DoH unsuccessfully attempted to close the process a full three weeks before its term had been concluded. This weekend, a ComRes poll found mass opposition to the plans, with 92 per cent of women and 85 per cent of men agreeing with the statement: “a woman requesting an abortion should always be seen in person by a qualified doctor”. Furthermore, 88 percent of women and 85 per cent of men supported the ban on abortions based solely on gender – a crime which the Crown Prosecution Service refuses to prosecute for, claiming it ‘not within public interest.’
By attempting to rewrite the law on abortion through this clandestine method rather than a draft amendment to the 1967 Abortion Act, the DoH will not only be acting against public opinion but shall also bypass the British Parliament, which has not been granted any time to debate or vote on the issue. On hearing that the changes to the practice of the law would not be given time in Parliament, Nirj Deva MEP, President of the International Committee on Human Dignity, said:
“These new rules represent the most significant change to the law on termination since the passing of the 1967 Abortion Act. Surely given the public’s clear opposition and the existing democratic deficit on this issue, it is paramount that such an action cannot be allowed to continue without the consideration and consent of Parliament.”