La Chiesa a scuola di Bannon per creare una fronda anti- Papa
CITTÀ DEL VATICANO Piomba sul Vaticano alle prese con la stesura di una risposta al dossier dell’ex nunzio a Washington Carlo Maria Viganò la notizia che l’ex stratega di Trump,…
CITTÀ DEL VATICANO Piomba sul Vaticano alle prese con la stesura di una risposta al dossier dell’ex nunzio a Washington Carlo Maria Viganò la notizia che l’ex stratega di Trump,…
Former Trump White House adviser Steve Bannon is helping to craft the curriculum for a leadership course at a right-wing Roman Catholic institute in Italy, stepping up his efforts to…
Secondo Benjamin Harnwell, direttore dell’Istituto Dignitatis Humanae, l’ex capo stratega della Casa Bianca Steve Bannon starebbe lavorando ad un progetto per creare una corrente di orientamento “populista” all’interno della Chiesa…
Pope Francis should not resign over allegations he mishandled a sexual abuse scandal, said Steve Bannon, President Donald Trump’s former political strategist who is close to prominent Catholic conservatives. However,…
Dear friends of Istituto Acton, The month of August is normally the quietest of all in Rome. In past years, I have walked through backstreets of the city in the…
For Immediate ReleaseRome, 1 September 2018 “Cardinal Renato Raffaele Martino – one of the undisputed pro-life titans of the Catholic Church over the last quarter century – has recently been named by…
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